The project, "Present and future of EU Competition Law for the national Judges: a workable approach", is an initiative of the Universitàs Mercatorum in cooperation with University online Pegaso, that has organised a training for national judges in competition law co-financed by DG Competition of the European Commission.
The project, "Present and future of EU Competition Law for the national Judges: a workable approach", is an initiative of the Universitàs Mercatorum in cooperation with University online Pegaso, that has organised a training for national judges in competition law co-financed by DG Competition of the European Commission.
Universitàs Mercatorum is the first all-Italian Startup University, characterized by different academic paths, all dedicated to innovation. It is the first public-private partnership for the governance of a university institution, which was created with the aim of assuming leadership in the formation of companies.
The implementation of ECLJ Project was carried out in collaboration with the University online Pegaso, that is the first University online in Italy, characterized by flexibility of its training proposals, which enjoys the best teaching and the most powerful technology and thanks to these qualities, it has supported Universitàs Mercatorum in the realization of the project.
The aim of the ECLJ project is to enrich the skills of national judges with particular reference to the application of new competition law legislation in a correct and consistent manner.
The objective is to guide the training of judges in the 27 EU countries in the context of the application of European competition rules, specifically with regard to the public and private enforcement of antitrust and State Aid rules, in order to ensure consistent application of EU competition law by national courts. This can be achieved through the ECLJ project which focuses in particular on the role of national judges in the application of EU competition law, their particular needs, working environments, training, knowledge and skills.
One of the aims of the ECLJ project is to create a European Judicial Network in the field of competition law as a useful tool to play a "harmonising" role with regard to the implementation and effective application of the available Union instruments in the field of civil justice.
A further objective of the ECLJ project is to overcome geographical and language barriers in order to create a common European judicial area.
The development of legal language skills is an ancillary objective of the training project, which is carried out by means of legal language training linked to the specific terminology used in the application of competition law.
The added value of the project is inherent in the intention to implement mechanisms aimed at improving the implementation phase of EU competition law, focusing on the consistent and harmonious application of the competences of national judges in the field of competition law, all this in order to fill the effective lack of coordination between the different national systems of the EU Member States.
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